Rooton (Bio-Root Hormone Powder)

Rooton is supplied in three varieties. Each powder has different strength, which should be used as per the instructions recommended.

Rooton No.(1): It is low power harmone powder. It is used for soft wood cutting.

Rooton No.(2): It is mild power harmone powder. It is used for semi-hard wood cutting.

Rooton No.(3): It is high power harmone powder. It is used for hard wood cutting and Air-Layering/Gootee.


Rooton is the best harmone powder in plant stem cutting.

It is very active rooting harmone powder.

It produces root in short time and plant grows quickly.

Rooton powder is used for Air-Layering/Gootee and tie the trimmed cutting.


Rooton is supplied in three varieties. Each powder has different strength, which should be used as per the instructions recommended.

Rooton No.(1): It is low power harmone powder. It is used for soft wood cutting.

Rooton No.(2): It is mild power harmone powder. It is used for semi-hard wood cutting.

Rooton No.(3): It is high power harmone powder. It is used for hard wood cutting and Air-Layering/Gootee.

Reviews (51)

2024-07-18 17:50:33

et laborum voluptatem natus inventore distinctio voluptatum veniam quaerat. non commodi est molestias nihil aut atque esse dignissimos quis commodi tempore nesciunt sunt sint laudantium aliquid. reici

2024-11-05 01:48:57

Rooton (Bio-Root Hormone Powder) || Nepal China Agriculture Center [url=]ugqtfjlly[/url] gqtfjlly agqtfjlly


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